
In our food system, ‘Processors’ are those who process products for both retailers (ie: the wholesale market, both small- and large-scale value-adders) and also for eaters (everyone in our community who eats!).

Below you’ll find every local resource we currently know about that will help you as a Processor – or as someone seeking to grow your own knowledge around our local processing system.

Help us uncover those working towards a regenerative local food system. Do you know of something we should add here?


Meet our ‘processors’ connectors.

  • ‘Connectors’ are South Australians who volunteer their time to help link our network, providing information, contacts and connections to our members.

  • Are you our missing connector?

    We are looking for another Connector – are you interested or already engaged in this space? Do you have good connections with others? Or do you keep up with relevant events?

    What’s involved? Less than an hour a month (when needed) responding to questions and letting us know about resources or events within your food space.

    Get in touch.