Owner-growers such as urban food gardeners, rural homesteaders and commercial farmers, as well as those who make their land available to other growers at all scales, are ‘Landholders’ in our food system.
We’re exploring this space and believe a registry of garden sites and land parcels available for urban food production in South Australia could be needed.
This land share registry could potentially include categorisation of land as suitable for ‘personal production’ or ”semi-commercial ventures’ or ‘commercial ventures’.
Note: Landshare UK Australia launched locally in 2011, but no longer seems to be running. At one point they had more than 1,000 Australians participating – read more on the Milkwood Permaculture blog
In the meantime, we’d like to ask you a few things.
Here are a few land share examples for inspiration.
3000acres is a Victorian non-profit aiming to normalise food growing as an expected feature of healthy and resilient urban landscapes.
The 3000acres solution to urban food insecurity is to unlock pockets of underutilised land and enable people to grow food for themselves. Melbourne has vast amounts of underutilised space, ranging from tiny verges on street corners and vacant car parks to public parks and large empty lots awaiting development. Using sustainable urban design, 3000acres has shown how vacant city land can be transformed into vibrant and productive open spaces.
Shared Earth is a project of Sustainable America, a non-profit organisation with the mission to make America’s food and fuel systems more efficient and resilient. Sustainable America supports initiatives like Shared Earth that encourage local food production, increased access to healthy food and reduced energy use.
They use a map-based system to help gardeners and landholders find suitable matches according to different criteria.
Help us uncover those working towards a regenerative local food system. Do you know of something we should add here?
Email hello@saurbanfood.org
Meet our ‘landholder’ connectors.
‘Connectors’ are South Australians who volunteer their time to help link our network, providing information, contacts and connections to our members.
Are you our missing connector?
We are looking for another Connector – are you interested or already engaged in this space? Do you have good connections with others? Or do you keep up with relevant events?
What’s involved? Less than an hour a month (when needed) responding to questions and letting us know about resources or events within your food space.